首頁 > 疾病預防與治療 > 老婆不願性愛了怎麼回事?威而柔 女性用改善性冷感

老婆不願性愛了怎麼回事?威而柔 女性用改善性冷感

女性威而鋼,又叫威而柔,它的作用機理是會增加在女性在性活動時生殖器的血流量。阻止血液流動的罪魁禍首是PDE5酶,Vegalis可以有效的抑制它,並增加cGMP的酶。 cGMP的酶的作用是爲了讓的血液流動更穩定,通常參與細胞膜離子通道的開啓、糖原分解、細胞雕亡以及舒張平滑肌。血管平滑肌的舒張可以使血管擴張進而增加血流量。陰道增加了充足的血流量後會提高女性敏感度。與威而鋼或犀利士倒是相映成趣。威而柔作用於下半身, 威而柔主要不是用來臨時助興的,它是可用來治療一種病:女性性冷感。 但並非所有的女性服用了威而柔都能得到顯著的效果,不同的文獻有不同的統計結果,有效率在70%至80%。推薦閱讀:威而柔怎麼吃效果更好?





【藥品名稱】:Vegalis 20

【中文名稱】:威而柔 女偉哥 偉妹 印度威而柔 女用威而鋼





【藥品成份】:Tadalafil 20mg




威而柔 女用威而鋼真實體驗

其實首次使用威而柔 女用威而鋼並不是每個人都會有感覺,這個跟年齡以及體質有關,很多人用了一次之後就誤以為威而柔無效,其實不是的,很多人需要使用2-3次之後才會有良好的效果。。推薦閱讀:威而柔的功效及副作用

服用女用威而鋼之後才發現一些事,當裡面很敏感很想要的時候,盡情的忘情彼此就可以達到不一樣的境界,這是我沒有服用女性威而鋼前從來沒有體會過的~ (我男友還說沒看過我這麼色阿 >///<) 我沒體會過當然不是男朋友技術不好.而是我自己本身常常就是不敏感的,偶爾氣氛好點的時候才覺得敏感,但是使用之後才知道自己也可以變得這麼饑渴阿……自從那次吃了女用威而鋼之後,害的男友又開始練跑游泳的增加體力了~~~他說,不然會吃不消阿XD






性慾低下是常態 適時服藥助性也無妨


夜裡常盜汗心悸 原來是更年期惹禍,一名50歲王小姐,近來夜裡常有盜汗、潮熱紅及心悸等症狀,嚴重影響睡眠品質,常得開冷氣才能散熱,但卻也因此讓枕邊人抱怨太冷,甚至因王小姐時常推託性生活,導致夫妻分房睡,也讓王小姐心情備受影響,心情起伏不定,直到赴家醫科求診,經醫師抽血檢查後,發現原來是更年期惹禍。推薦閱讀:沒性慾,教你助性妙招,不輪吃威而柔

男女都有更年期 女性最長持續五年


多補充鈣質 有助紓緩症狀


更年期症狀嚴重時 應盡快就醫




Viagra Real experience of women's Viagra

In fact, not everyone will feel the first use of Viagra for women. This is related to age and physical fitness. Many people mistakenly think that Viagra is ineffective after using it once. In fact, it is not. Many people need to use 2- Only after 3 times will there be good results. . Recommended reading: Efficacy and side effects of Viagra

After taking Viagra for women, I discovered something. When you are very sensitive and want it, you can reach a different state by letting yourself go. This is something I have never experienced before taking Viagra for women~ (My boyfriend also said that he has never seen me look like this>///<) I haven’t experienced it, of course it’s not that my boyfriend is not good at technology. It’s that I am often insensitive. Occasionally, when the atmosphere is better, I feel sensitive. But after using it, I realized that I can become so hungry and thirsty... Ever since I ate Viagra for women, my boyfriend started to practice running and swimming again to increase his physical strength~~~ He said, otherwise he would not be able to bear it. XD

The above is my personal experience. I just want to introduce such a thing to sisters who need more sexual feelings. When I read related news on the Internet before, I always had the impression that all female Viagras were criticized. In fact, at the earliest time, I was too.

But after experiencing it myself, I found that it is really good!! Sometimes it is better to take this product at the right time and place~ This product does have such an effect, and I will not share it with you...

Otherwise, people like me who are sometimes sensitive and sometimes insensitive don't really think too much about it. But after using Viagra for women, the degree of sensitivity has indeed surpassed my previous sensitive feeling, which made me a little addicted!

In fact, sex is a part of nourishing love and life. No matter what method or props are used, you must be happy and enjoy it!

Low libido is normal, it’s okay to take medicine at the right time

Many postpartum or menopausal women usually have very low libido, which is commonly known as sexual frigidity, but it is only natural for men and women to love each other. Seek help from a doctor in a timely manner or take oral tablets such as Viasoft, which can help increase libido and relieve sexual frigidity Husband and wife are unhappy

Often night sweats and heart palpitations are caused by menopause. A 50-year-old Ms. Wang has recently experienced symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, and heart palpitations at night, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. Complaining about being too cold, even because Ms. Wang often evades sex life, the husband and wife slept in separate rooms, which also affected Ms. Wang's mood, and her mood fluctuated until she went to see a doctor at home. After a blood test, the doctor found that it was menopause court disaster. Recommended reading: If you have no libido, teach you how to help your sex


Both men and women have menopause, women last up to five years

According to statistics from the National Health Service, menopausal women usually experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, insomnia, and loss of appetite during menopause. Only 18% of menopausal women will not have symptoms, or symptoms will disappear within a year About 56% of women's symptoms will last for 1 to 5 years, and 26% of people's symptoms will last for more than 5 years; the Municipal Health Bureau pointed out that not only women, men may also experience menopause after the age of 60, mainly because Hormones decline more slowly and menopausal symptoms are less noticeable.

Supplementing more calcium can help relieve symptoms

The Health Bureau further explained that the best way to improve menopausal symptoms is to change your lifestyle. For example, in terms of diet, you can drink more milk, dried fish, beans and dark vegetables, etc., and supplement enough calcium. If necessary, you can also take calcium tablets according to the doctor's instructions. In life, you can choose outdoor activities that you are interested in, or participate in social activities moderately, so that you can relax your mind and expand your interpersonal relationship.

When symptoms of menopause are severe, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Menopausal symptoms will vary according to each person's constitution. In severe cases, there may be depression, decreased libido, etc. Therefore, if necessary, you should seek the assistance of a professional doctor and receive hormone therapy; the Health Bureau calls on many women to experience menopause During the process, if similar symptoms appear, don't listen to folk remedies in the market, otherwise it will hurt the body and cause regret.

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