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Reasons and solutions for men's cold feeling, should we choose testosterone or aphrodisiac? "

In modern society, frigidity is a common problem, especially among men. Many men experience frigidity, which not only affects their personal life, but can also negatively affect their relationships. This article explores the causes of frigidity in men and discusses ways to address it, including testosterone and aphrodisiac choices, as well as issues related to sexless marriage and affairs.

There are many reasons for a man's sexual frigidity, including physiological, psychological and environmental factors. From a physiological standpoint, low testosterone levels are a common cause. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and plays an important role in libido and sexual function. Low testosterone levels may lead to frigidity. In addition, psychological factors such as psychological pressure, anxiety and depression may also cause male sexual frigidity. And environmental factors, such as work pressure, family problems or disharmony in the relationship between husband and wife, etc., may also affect a man's sexual desire.

So, should you choose testosterone or aphrodisiacs to solve frigidity? It depends on individual circumstances and doctor's advice. Testosterone, a treatment that raises testosterone levels, may help with frigidity due to low testosterone levels. However, the use of testosterone therapy needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness. Aphrodisiacs, a common treatment for erectile dysfunction, increase blood flow to the penis and help improve erectile problems. However, aphrodisiacs cannot solve all frigidity problems, especially those caused by other factors.

Also, sexless marriages and affairs are issues related to male frigidity. When a man feels sexually frigid in a marriage, it can lead to the formation of a sexless marriage, where there is a lack of sex between the couple. This can cause stress and dissatisfaction in the relationship, and may even lead to an affair. The key to solving this problem is communication and understanding. Couples should have an open discussion about each other's needs and expectations and find a mutual solution, which may include enlisting the help of a medical professional or a marriage counselor.

Q: Is frigidity common in men? How many men suffer from frigidity?

A: Yes, frigidity in men is a relatively common problem. According to research, about 30% of men in the world are troubled by varying degrees of sexual frigidity. This number can vary because everyone's libidos and needs are different, as are the levels of frigidity.

Q: Is frigidity just a physical problem?

Answer: Not exactly. Sexual frigidity may involve multiple levels such as physical, psychological and environmental. Physiological factors, such as testosterone levels and blood circulation, may affect libido and erectile function. At the same time, psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, and environmental factors, such as work stress and relationship problems, may also play a role in frigidity.

Q: What is testosterone? What effect does it have on male sexual function?

A: Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and it plays an important role in the male body. Testosterone promotes libido and is involved in the regulation of erections and sexual performance. It also helps maintain normal sperm development and reproductive function. Low testosterone levels can lead to sexual health issues such as frigidity, erectile dysfunction, and fertility problems.

Q: What are the symptoms of low testosterone? How do I know if my testosterone levels are normal?

A: Low testosterone levels may manifest as symptoms such as decreased libido, erection difficulties, mental exhaustion, muscle loss, Www.poxet.tw and decreased energy. If you suspect that your testosterone levels are abnormal, it is best to consult your doctor for testing. Blood tests are a common way to determine testosterone levels, and your doctor can use the test results to make appropriate treatment recommendations.

Q: Can aphrodisiacs solve all frigidity problems?

Answer: Not all frigidity problems can be solved by aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction and can help improve erection problems, but they won't address the root cause of all frigidity. Therefore, for frigidity issues, it is recommended to seek the advice of a professional doctor in order to find the most suitable solution for the individual situation.

Q: Does frigidity negatively affect the relationship?

A: Yes, frigidity can have a negative impact on a relationship. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and if one or both partners feel sexually frustrating, it can lead to incoherent and less fulfilling sex. This can create stress, dissatisfaction and frustration, which can ultimately affect the emotional connection between couples. Therefore, couples should communicate openly and work together to find solutions to preserve each other's relationship and happiness.

Q: If the frigidity cannot be resolved, will it lead to an affair?

Answer: Sexual frigidity may increase the risk of an affair, but it is not absolute. When a person feels sexually frustrating in a marriage, they may look for other ways to satisfy their sexual needs, which may include seeking affairs with others. However, everyone has different values and behavior choices, and not everyone will choose to have an affair. Communication and problem-solving efforts between husband and wife can reduce the chance of having an affair and maintain the stability of the relationship between husband and wife.

in conclusion:

Male frigidity is a common and far-reaching problem. It may be caused by a variety of factors, including physiological, psychological and environmental. The way to deal with frigidity varies from person to person. Consider consulting your doctor and choosing testosterone or aphrodisiacs as a treatment method depending on your individual situation. At the same time, communication and understanding between husband and wife are also important factors to solve the problem of sexual frigidity, so as to maintain the harmony and happiness of the relationship between husband and wife.

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