首頁 > 疾病預防與治療 > 早洩自療法及必利勁藥局




早洩,也被稱為早泄或早射,是指男性在性行為過程中無法控制射精的情況。根據國際性醫學學會(ISSM)的定義,早洩是指在進行性交前或剛開始進行性交時,無法控制射精,並導致個體或夥伴的困擾。早洩可分為原發性和習慣性兩種,原發性早洩是指從第一次性經驗開始就存在的問題,而習慣性早洩是在某一段時間內發展出來的問題。必利勁 , 黑金日本丸奈持久液延時噴霧 , PEINEILI持久液降敏噴霧



  1. 自我刺激練習:這是一種自我練習,旨在增加對性刺激的耐受能力。通過自慰練習,男性可以學會控制自己的興奮程度,並延遲射精時間。

  2. 持續時間訓練:這種訓練方法旨在增加性交的持續時間。男性可以通過進行性刺激,但在快要達到射精的時候停下來,然後再次開始。這樣反復訓練可以增加射精的控制能力。

  3. 壓力減輕:壓力和焦慮可能會加劇早洩問題。學習壓力管理技巧,如深呼吸、冥想和運動,可以幫助減輕壓力,從而改善早洩症狀。

  4. 情感溝通:與伴侶進行開放和坦誠的溝通非常重要。分享感受、需求和擔憂,可以幫助建立更好的情感連結,減輕性行為壓力,從而改善早洩問題。




  • 1. 啄木鳥藥局

  • 2. 丁丁藥局

  • 3. 博登藥局,






Q: 早洩的常見治療方法有哪些?

A: 早洩的治療方法包括自療法、藥物治療和心理治療。自療法可以包括自我刺激練習、持續時間訓練和壓力減輕。藥物治療中,必利勁是一種常用的藥物,可延遲射精時間。心理治療可以通過認知行為療法、情感溝通和性治療等方式幫助患者改善早洩問題。

Q: 必利勁藥局在哪裡可以找到?

A: 必利勁是一種處方藥物,可以在藥局中獲得。您可以前往當地的藥局,詢問是否提供必利勁或其他治療早洩的相關藥物。常見的藥局連鎖店,如 安德藥局,大樹藥局,杏一藥局,博登藥局,合康藥局,長青藥局,上好藥局,可能提供必利勁。

Q: 早洩是否可以完全治愈?

A: 早洩是可以治療和改善的,但治愈的程度可能因個人情況而異。通過適當的治療方法和持之以恆的努力,大多數患者可以顯著改善早洩問題,並恢復正常的性生活。然而,早洩可能會受到壓力、焦慮、身體健康等因素的影響,因此持續的自我照顧和支持是重要的。


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Premature Ejaculation Self Therapy and Priligy Pharmacy

Definition of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation, also known as premature ejaculation or premature ejaculation, is a condition in which a man cannot control ejaculation during sex. Premature ejaculation, as defined by the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM), is the inability to control ejaculation and cause distress to the individual or partner before or immediately after sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation can be divided into two types: primary premature ejaculation and habitual premature ejaculation. Primary premature ejaculation refers to a problem that exists from the first sexual experience, while habitual premature ejaculation is a problem that develops within a certain period of time. PEINEILI , Black Gold Japan Maruna Long-lasting Liquid Delay Spray , PEINEILI Long-lasting Liquid Desensitization Spray

Premature Ejaculation Self Therapy

For some mild premature ejaculation problems, you can try some self-remedies to improve symptoms. Here are some common premature ejaculation self-remedies:

Self-stimulation exercise: This is a self-stimulation exercise designed to increase tolerance to sexual stimulation. Through the practice of masturbation, men can learn to control their arousal levels and delay ejaculation.

Duration training: This training method is designed to increase the duration of intercourse. Men can be stimulated sexually, but stop when they are close to ejaculation, and then start again. This repeated training can increase the control ability of ejaculation.

Reduced stress: Stress and anxiety may exacerbate premature ejaculation problems. Learning stress management techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and exercise, can help reduce stress, which can improve premature ejaculation symptoms.

Emotional communication: Open and honest communication with your partner is very important. Sharing feelings, needs, and concerns can help create a better emotional connection and reduce the stress of sex, which can improve premature ejaculation.

Priligy Pharmacy

Priligy (dapoxetine), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is a drug currently used to treat premature ejaculation. It delays ejaculation, thereby improving premature ejaculation symptoms. If you want to buy Priligy, you can go to your local pharmacy and ask. Here are some common pharmacy chains that may carry Priligy:

1. Woodpecker Pharmacy
2. Tintin Pharmacy
3. Borden Pharmacy,

Solutions and suggestions for premature ejaculation problems

If self-therapy and medication do not improve premature ejaculation, it is recommended to seek professional medical help. Www.poxet.tw Doctors can evaluate and provide a more suitable treatment plan according to individual conditions. Additionally, premature ejaculation problems can sometimes be related to other physical or mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, loss of libido, etc. Therefore, it is important to seek medical advice early.

Premature ejaculation is a common male sexual function problem, but it can be treated and improved. Whether you choose self-therapy or medication, it's important to seek out the solution that works for you and to have open and supportive communication with your partner. Premature ejaculation should not be viewed as a matter of embarrassment or shame, but rather a medical problem that can be addressed.

Related Popular Keyword Questions and Answers

Q: What are the common treatments for premature ejaculation?

A: Treatment methods for premature ejaculation include self-therapy, drug therapy and psychotherapy. Self-therapy can include self-stimulation exercises, duration training, and stress reduction. In drug therapy, Priligy is a commonly used drug that can delay the time of ejaculation. Psychotherapy can help patients improve premature ejaculation problems through cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional communication, and sexual therapy.

Q: Where can I find Priligy Pharmacy?

A: Priligy is a prescription drug available in pharmacies. You can go to your local pharmacy and ask if they offer Priligy or other related medicines for premature ejaculation. Common pharmacy chains, such as Ande Pharmacy, Dashu Pharmacy, Xingyi Pharmacy, Borden Pharmacy, Hekang Pharmacy, Changqing Pharmacy, and Shanghao Pharmacy, may offer Priligy.

Q: Can premature ejaculation be completely cured?

A: Premature ejaculation can be treated and improved, but the degree of cure may vary according to individual circumstances. With proper treatment and consistent efforts, most patients can experience significant improvement in their premature ejaculation problems and return to a normal sex life. However, premature ejaculation can be affected by factors such as stress, anxiety, physical health, so ongoing self-care and support are important.

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