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What should I do if I keep wanting to pee without peeing?

If you feel like you want to pee all the time but don't come out, this could be one of the symptoms of dysuria, also known as urgency and frequency. This condition can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

Enlarged Prostate: An enlarged prostate is a common health problem in men and can cause symptoms such as difficulty urinating and urgency.

Overactive bladder: An overactive bladder is when the bladder is overly contracted or overly sensitive, leading to symptoms such as urgency and frequency.

Urinary Tract Infection: A UTI is a bacterial infection that causes symptoms such as difficulty urinating and urgency to urinate.

If you experience urgency and frequent urination, you should seek medical attention in time. The doctor may conduct relevant examinations, such as urine examination, prostate ultrasound examination, etc., to determine the cause. While you're waiting to see your doctor, you can do the following to help relieve your symptoms:

Relaxation: Practicing deep breathing and relaxation exercises can reduce anxiety and stress and help with urination.

Drink enough water: Drinking enough water can help the bladder to empty urine and reduce symptoms.

Avoid irritating foods and beverages: Avoid irritating foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, peppers, etc. These foods and beverages may irritate the bladder and urethra and aggravate symptoms.

It should be noted that urgency and frequent urination may be an underlying health problem. If symptoms persist or worsen, you should seek medical attention in time.

Prostatic hypertrophy Feeling of residual urination after urinating

Enlarged prostate is a common health problem for men. When the prostate is enlarged, it may compress the urethra and cause symptoms such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and urgency. At the same time, the hypertrophy of the prostate may also cause the urethral contraction muscle to lose its elasticity, resulting in a small amount of residual urine after urination.

Residual urine sensation refers to the feeling that there is still urine in the bladder after urination, and you often need to go to the toilet again. If the residual urine volume exceeds 50 ml, it may increase the risk of urinary system infection. Therefore, reducing the feeling of residual urine can help prevent UTIs.

Here are some ways to reduce the feeling of residual urine:

Stretch the muscles: You can gently massage the bladder area after urinating, or do some stretching exercises to help promote the excretion of residual urine.

Urinating again: You can wait a while after urinating and go to the toilet again to make sure there is no residual urine in the bladder.

Changing posture: Try changing your urinating position, such as sitting up as straight as possible or leaning your body, to help empty your bladder completely.

Medication: If the above methods are ineffective, your doctor may recommend medications, such as alpha-1 receptor blockers or muscarinic receptor antagonists, to help reduce the feeling of residual urine.

It is important to note that an enlarged prostate can be a chronic condition that requires long-term treatment and management. If you feel symptoms such as difficulty urinating or feeling of residual urine, you should seek medical attention in time, and the doctor will diagnose and treat you according to your specific conditions.

How to improve residual urine, Tadalafil

If you have residual urine from an enlarged prostate, here are some ways to improve it:

Completely empty the bladder: When urinating, the bladder needs to be emptied as completely as possible. Wait a while after urinating, or urinate again to make sure there is no residual urine in the bladder.

Residual urine test: If you feel residual urine, you can perform a residual urine test to determine the amount of residual urine. If the residual urine volume exceeds 50 ml, the risk of urinary system infection may increase, and timely medical treatment is required.

Medication: Your doctor may prescribe medications, such as alpha-1 blockers or muscarinic receptor antagonists, to help reduce the feeling of residual urine. It should be noted that these drugs may have some side effects, such as dizziness, dry mouth, etc., and should be used according to the doctor's advice.

Changing lifestyle habits: Prostate hypertrophy may be related to lifestyle habits, such as diet and exercise. Adjusting living habits, such as controlling the intake of caffeine and alcohol, and doing more exercise, may help to improve the feeling of residual urine.

It is important to note that enlarged prostate is a chronic condition that requires long-term treatment and management. If you feel symptoms such as difficulty urinating or feeling of residual urine, you should seek medical attention in time, and the doctor will diagnose and treat you according to your specific conditions.

Causes of residual urine sensation in middle-aged men

The sense of residual urine in middle-aged men may be caused by many factors, the most common cause being enlarged prostate.

The prostate is an organ in the male reproductive system that sits below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. When the prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra, which affects the flow of urine, resulting in difficulty urinating and a feeling of residual urine.

In addition, other factors that may cause residual urine sensation in middle-aged men include:

Abnormal function of bladder muscle: Bladder muscle is an important muscle to control urination. If the function is abnormal, it will lead to insufficient urination and a feeling of residual urine.

Nervous system problems: Nervous system problems, such as stroke, brain trauma, etc., may affect the function of the nerves to control urination, resulting in the feeling of residual urine.

Drug side effects: Some drugs, such as diuretics, antidepressants, etc., may affect the contraction of the bladder muscle and the tone of the urethra, causing the feeling of residual urine.

Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary Tract Infection may cause pressure on the urethra and incomplete urination, resulting in a feeling of residual urine.

If you have a feeling of residual urine in middle-aged men, you should seek medical advice in time for a detailed examination and diagnosis. The doctor will formulate a corresponding treatment plan based on your condition and examination results. Common treatments include medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

The older you are, the slower your urine rate is

As we age, it is very common to have a slower rate of urination. This is mainly due to the aging and physiological changes of the human body.

Here are some reasons that may affect the slower urination rate as you get older:

Enlarged Prostate: This is a common problem in the male reproductive system. As we age, the prostate enlarges and compresses the urethra, slowing the flow of urine.

Decreased bladder muscle function: As we age, bladder muscles become weaker and weaker, www.poxet.net which makes urination less forceful, which in turn results in slower urination.

Nervous system problems: As we age, the nervous system becomes damaged or degenerates, which can lead to damage to the nerves that control urination, which slows down the flow of urine.

Decreased physical activity: As we age, physical activity may decrease, which affects the body's metabolic rate and blood circulation, which in turn affects the production and excretion of urine, resulting in slower urination.

The reason why it took a long time to pee

Middle-aged men can take a long time to urinate standing up for a variety of reasons, including the following common conditions:

Prostate problems: Common prostate problems in middle-aged men include benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. These problems can enlarge or inflame the prostate gland, which can compress the urethra and make urination difficult. If standing up and urinating takes a long time to pass urine, accompanied by symptoms such as slow urine flow and painful urination, it may be caused by a prostate problem.

Urinary tract stones: Urinary tract stones are also one of the common problems in middle-aged men. If there are stones in the urinary tract, it will cause symptoms such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and painful urination. If it takes a long time to urinate while standing up, and it is accompanied by symptoms such as frequent urination and painful urination, it may be caused by urinary tract stones.

Bladder problems: Abnormal function of the bladder may also cause difficulty urinating. For example, problems such as bladder neck stenosis and bladder tumors can make urine flow slow.

What should I do if I have a feeling of residual urine recently?

If you have a feeling of residual urine recently, here are some suggestions:

Diet: Minimize the intake of stimulating drinks such as caffeine and alcohol, and increase the intake of high-fiber foods to help the bowel to defecate smoothly.

Exercise: Increase the amount of exercise, especially the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are important muscles that control urination and defecation. If the muscles are loose or weak, it may cause problems such as the feeling of residual urine.

Sitting posture: Try to avoid sitting for a long time, or incorrect sitting posture,https://5mg.xyz such as crossing your legs and so on. It is recommended to adopt a correct sitting posture to keep the pelvis in a normal position and reduce the pressure on the pelvic floor muscles.

See a doctor: If the above methods do not improve the feeling of residual urine, it is recommended to see a doctor for further examination, which may require examinations related to the urinary system, such as uroflow rate testing, bladder ultrasound, etc.

It should be noted that the residual urine sensation may be caused by diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis, prostatitis, etc. If accompanied by other symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

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