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結婚第二年我生下兒子,明輝如獲至寶,只要在家便逗兒子玩。他們父子兩個樂成一團,我卻像局外人似的,怎麼也無法融入 心靈雞湯 。明輝始終對我不冷不熱,我既挑不出他的毛病,卻也感受不到夫妻間應有的那種親密。性生活像例行公事,他來去匆匆,純粹是為了滿足自己的生理需要。有時我感到這樣很不公平,但他木然的表情令我欲言又止,是我不好,我只能忍氣吞聲。





















兩個相愛的人常被一些意想不到的人和事分隔,但實際上,分隔他們的是這些意外事件帶 早洩怎麼辦 來的對愛人的信任缺乏。信任是愛情關系的基本元素,沒有信任,雙方會變得多疑、緊張、恐懼,也因此感覺不到愛情的快樂和美妙,反而被恐懼和猜疑囚困,甚至被妒忌和妄想等消極情緒弄至窒息。要學會愛,就要學會寬容和寬恕,忘掉過去所受的傷害和委屈。沒有寬容和寬恕,愛就會受到恐懼、猜疑、偏見的限制和傷害。愛情中的很多問題都是由恐懼和猜疑制造的。因為不信任對方,不能寬容和寬恕對方的過錯,於是妒忌和憤怒就經常在心頭纏繞,愛情生活也被敵意和恨焚燒,愛人就會進一步被分隔。



All characters are pseudonyms

Love blocked and insulted

Back then, because my family objected, my boyfriend Minghui and I could only communicate in secret. One night, my father bumped into Minghui in my dormitory, without saying a word, he raised his hand and hit me. I was so angry that I rushed into the pouring rain desperately. I was sick and went to a private clinic for an infusion, and the frenzied doctor raped me while I was dizzy from the fever. The most beautiful thing was not dedicated to my lover, but was snatched away by beasts. I was so sad and indignant that I fled to Shijiazhuang with shame and humiliation.

I went to work in a friend's company, and the manager's surname was Wang. Manager Wang made no secret of his liking for me. He often took me to bars and discos, and even bought me high-end fashions. His generous spending dazzled me. I know that Manager Wang is definitely not doing good deeds, he must have plans for me. But I can't stop, only under the noise of feasting and drinking and the anesthesia of ethanol, can I temporarily forget the heart-piercing but helpless pain.

People from my family came to ask me to go back three times, but I was unmoved. When Minghui came, he saw me playing mahjong with Manager Wang and others. Manager Wang and I were next to each other, and his bracelet was around my waist. Minghui was so angry that he called me shameless, turned his head and left, and I chased him out desperately.

After returning from Shijiazhuang, Minghui became very silent and even learned to smoke. He must have suspected that Manager Wang and I were ambiguous. I was wronged and heartbroken, but I didn't dare to confess to him about being bullied. After Minghui promised not to pursue the past, I felt a little relieved. In the Spring Festival of 2000, Minghui and I got married. That night, after Minghui finished, he pretended to glance under me unintentionally, and the lost and complicated expression made me shudder.

In the second year of my marriage, I gave birth to a son. Minghui was like a treasure, and whenever he was at home, he would play with his son. The father and son were happy together, but I was like an outsider, unable to integrate into "Chicken Soup for the Soul". Minghui has always been lukewarm to me, I can't find fault with him, but I can't feel the intimacy that a husband and wife should have. Sex life is like a routine, he comes and goes in a hurry, purely to satisfy his physical needs. Sometimes I feel this is very unfair, but his wooden expression makes me hesitate to speak, it is my fault, I can only swallow my anger.

In the spring of this year, there was a serious car accident on the street, and the victim died. It was the doctor who killed me. Shocked, I seemed to remove a big stone in my heart. I have been hiding, do not want to walk that street, and now it's better, it's really evil.

Misunderstanding brought out the events of the year

One day in early August, I suddenly met Manager Wang on the street, and I got into his car out of courtesy. Manager Wang kept talking about how he missed me in the past few years, and also said that half of the reason for investing in the city this time was because of me, and I got goosebumps all over my body. Seeing that my attitude was getting colder and colder, Manager Wang couldn't hold back, and started to touch me, which I sternly refused. He slipped a business card into my bag as I got out of the car and offered me a chance to get in touch with him. I understood what he meant, felt sick for a while, and entered the company with my bag on my head without looking back. When I was flustered, I left the business card behind me.

In the evening, I was tidying up in the kitchen, and the cell phone in my bag rang. Minghui answered it for me, but the call was quickly hung up. I asked him who was calling and what was the matter, but the answer was a long silence. After finishing my work, I went to the living room and saw Minghui staring at a business card in a daze. I suddenly understood, and hurriedly said that I wanted to tear it up, but forgot. Hmph, destroy the evidence, right? Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing with him. Then why did he call secretly? The more I explained, the more confused I became, but Minghui was extremely excited: I was really blind back then, and I should never have asked you back. I was angry and anxious, and stammered: I just met him by chance, by chance. Don't follow me like this, is it a coincidence or an affair? Don't you know what you were like before marriage!

Minghui's words hurt me deeply, yes, I am an unclean woman, how can I have the right to argue with him? www.poxet.net My brain went blank, and I was at a loss like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Minghui smoked one cigarette after another, and finally threw the cigarette butt on the ground fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: Divorce!

My heart is about to break, and the more I think about it, the more useless I feel. I can't take the blame for this, and I must explain it clearly to him. But Minghui couldn't listen, his dissatisfaction and resentment shot at me like a machine gun: because I love you so deeply, no matter what you did back then, I forgave you. In the past few years, I have been restraining myself and avoiding your past, but can you feel the depression in my heart? Now you want to repeat the same mistakes, do you still think of me as your husband?

I was angry and hated, angry at him for being obsessed with my past and never letting go, hated him for being small-minded and pretentious, I really wanted to fight for my breath, so I left. However, thinking about his care for me, his hard work for this family, and his dedication to his son in the past few years, it is really difficult for me to let go of my feelings for him. Also, if we get divorced, who will take care of the son? How will the house be divided? How will the housing loan of hundreds of thousands of yuan be repaid? Oh, it’s so messy and messy, my head is about to explode.

For the next few days, Minghui kept ignoring me and moved to another room to sleep. One night, my son suddenly had a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and developed a high fever. I hurriedly picked up my son and went downstairs. Minghui heard the movement next door and chased us out. He rode a motorcycle and took us to the hospital. My son was suffering from pneumonia, and he was given an injection at that time, and we stayed on the side of the bed. At 3 o'clock in the morning, his son's condition improved a little, Minghui took the initiative to say: You go back to sleep, my son has me. You should go back, you still have to write materials during the day. As a result of humility, no one went home, but there was finally a dialogue.

I wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship with Minghui. After my son recovered and was discharged from the hospital, I deliberately moved Minghui's bedding back to our bedroom. Minghui said nothing, but shook off my arm on him in disgust, and my heart sank again. Minghui believed that I had an affair with Manager Wang, and I did something wrong to him. If this knot is not resolved, our marriage will be in danger.

Candid communication to clear up previous suspicions

One evening, I took my son to my mother's place for dinner. When I got home, I saw that the table was messed up, half a bottle of white wine was missing, and Minghui was completely drunk and drenched in sweat. I hurriedly boiled water to make tea and wiped his body with a hot towel. Seeing him sober up, I said with tears: "Minghui, if you really don't believe me, let's leave. Please don't make such a fool of yourself, okay? Manager Wang? Isn't he just an investor? What are you arrogant about?" ?I just cured him today. What else could they do to me? My heart trembled. Minghui saw Manager Wang? What happened between them?

Asked again, Minghui fell asleep again without speaking. I had no choice but to call Minghui's section chief secretly. The section chief is Minghui's teacher, and the relationship between the two is pretty good. The section chief said that at noon today, the unit leaders had a banquet for Manager Wang, and Minghui kept asking Manager Wang to drink, which made him very embarrassed. The leader was very angry and scolded Minghui severely.

I was taken aback. It’s really a narrow road for enemies. Minghui is so emotional. It doesn’t matter if he offends Manager Wang. If he makes the leader unhappy, wouldn’t it be self-destructive? But, isn’t it all because of me? For a while, self-blame, regret, worry and At a loss, all kinds of emotions were intertwined, drowning me like bitter sea water.

In a daze, I felt that Minghui turned on the light in the living room. After drinking the water, he walked over in silence, and soon came back to stand in front of me, and said softly: Go back to the room and sleep. His face was still stern, but there was clear pity in his eyes. Was it the tears on my face that moved him? My heart felt hot, and I couldn't help hugging him tightly. Minghui, do you know why I left without saying goodbye a few years ago? Why I never went to see a doctor in a private clinic? It was all because of that shameful rainy day...

After I finished speaking, I covered my face and wept bitterly, releasing the complex emotions I had been having for the past few days. Minghui was stunned for a while, then suddenly pulled me into his arms, stroked my hair, and murmured: Why didn't you tell me about these unfortunate things earlier? You are not wrong, why do you have to bear so much? These words It sounded so kind, my heart was tightly wrapped in warm warmth, like a long-lost child finally returning home, I threw myself into Minghui's arms and wept endlessly, tears of joy soaked Minghui's clothes.

Speaking frankly made me completely dispel the haze in my heart. Minghui didn't look down on me because of this, it made me feel like I was born again, and a new page in my life was opened.

Love is very fragile, just like eyes cannot tolerate sand. The most intolerable thing in love is infidelity and betrayal, otherwise love may turn into hate, and the wine of love will turn into bitter tears; love is like our organism, mutual honesty and trust are as essential as oxygen and blood, otherwise love Suspicion and suspicion are like viruses and bacteria. Once infected, love will be infected and inflamed, and even form ulcers and wounds that are difficult to heal.

My husband and I have experienced ups and downs in our emotional journey. Although we were separated and reunited due to internal and external troubles, although they came together, our love was also bruised and bruised by viruses and bacteria. In fact, cases of emotional setbacks like mine are not uncommon in life.

Two people who love each other are often separated by some unexpected people and things, but in fact, what separates them is the lack of trust in their lover brought about by these unexpected events. Trust is the basic element of a love relationship. Without trust, both parties will become suspicious, nervous, and fearful. Therefore, they will not feel the joy and beauty of love. asphyxia. To learn to love, we must learn tolerance and forgiveness, and forget the hurt and grievances we have suffered in the past. Without tolerance and forgiveness, love is limited and hurt by fear, suspicion, prejudice. Many problems in love are created by fear and suspicion. Because you don't trust the other person, you can't tolerate and forgive the other person's faults, so jealousy and anger are often entangled in your heart, your love life is also burned by hostility and hatred, and your lover will be further separated.

The good news is that my husband and I finally grew up through the bumps and bumps, let go of the past, and learned to trust, tolerate and forgive, thus eliminating the insecurities, doubts and suspicions that separated us.

When our beliefs change, love changes with it. Love should not be the unfortunate victim of the past, love has the power to change everything. The past is not equal to the future. We cannot change what happened in the past. No matter what problems arise in the love relationship, only by standing on the present and looking forward to the future can we change our beliefs, win back love, and win back the lover's heart.

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