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Premature ejaculation treatment method summary, premature ejaculation is a situation in which men ejaculate prematurely during sexual intercourse, which often leads to a decline in the quality of sexual life between couples. Here are a few possible treatments for premature ejaculation:

How to improve premature ejaculation from lifestyle

Many men regularly overuse stimulants, such as alcohol and nicotine, or sit at a desk for long periods of time, which can lead to premature ejaculation. Making these lifestyle changes, such as reducing use of stimulants, increasing physical activity, and changing your sitting position, may help reduce premature ejaculation symptoms.

Making lifestyle changes can help reduce premature ejaculation symptoms. Here are some common lifestyle changes:

Reduce use of irritating substances

Excessive use of stimulants such as alcohol and nicotine may lead to premature ejaculation symptoms. Reducing or avoiding these substances can help reduce premature ejaculation symptoms.

increase exercise

Increasing your physical activity can help reduce physical stress and anxiety, which can contribute to premature ejaculation symptoms. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, etc.

change sitting position

Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can strain the pelvic muscles, which in turn can affect blood flow to the penis and increase the risk of premature ejaculation symptoms. It is recommended to get up and take breaks at regular intervals during work to do some stretching exercises.

Increased foreplay before intercourse

Increasing foreplay before sex can help men better control their arousal levels, which can prolong sex. Foreplay includes kissing, hugging, caressing, etc., which can help men relax more.

changing sex position

Some sexual intercourse positions, such as female upper position, side position, etc., can reduce the sensitivity of the penis to stimulation, thereby prolonging the time of sexual behavior.

In conclusion, lifestyle modification is a very simple and effective premature ejaculation treatment that requires continuous effort and patient practice. If the above methods do not improve symptoms, please seek professional medical advice and treatment.

Using local anesthetic, can delay spray be used for a long time?

Local anesthetics (such as topical sprays, topical gels, etc.) can help men prolong sexual activity by reducing the sensitivity of the penis to stimulation, thus prolonging erection and intercourse.

Some local anesthetics, such as topical hypnotics, tights, or sprays, can reduce the sensitivity of the penis to stimulation and prolong sex. The use of these drugs requires attention to follow the doctor's advice and use.


Psychotherapy is a very effective treatment for premature ejaculation, especially when it is related to emotional problems, stress and anxiety. Treatment includes various approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion-focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and others.

How Psychotherapy Treats Premature Ejaculation

Psychotherapy is a common method of treating premature ejaculation. It can help men find and solve the psychological and emotional problems that may cause premature ejaculation, such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, emotional problems, etc. Here are a few common psychotherapy approaches:

psychological counseling

Psychological counseling is a method that specifically helps people face and solve psychological problems. It can help men understand their own mental state, reduce stress and anxiety, and thus reduce premature ejaculation symptoms.

behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is an approach to treating premature ejaculation by changing the way a man behaves and thinks. For example, use slow techniques, practice breathing control during sexual intercourse, maintain a certain degree of muscle tension, and so on.

emotional therapy

Emotional therapy can help men learn and cope with emotional problems such as low self-esteem and depression. This can be done through counseling, consultation, psychological training, etc.

couples therapy

Couples therapy can help a man and his partner face and resolve premature ejaculation problems together, enhance emotional and sexual relationships, and thereby reduce stress and anxiety.

In short, psychotherapy can help men find and solve the psychological problems that may lead to premature ejaculation, www.poxet.net so as to improve symptoms, enhance self-confidence and sexual relationship. If you suspect that you have premature ejaculation, it is recommended to seek professional medical advice and treatment to choose the treatment plan that is right for you.

medical treatement

Some antidepressants, such as SSRIs, can prolong sexual activity in men. These medicines need to be used on the advice and prescription of your doctor, as they may have side effects and contraindications.

Priligy for Premature Ejaculation

Priligy is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that has been shown to treat premature ejaculation in men. Priligy is usually taken by mouth to prolong sexual activity in men.

The mechanism of action of Priligy is to increase the concentration of serotonin between neurons by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin. This reduces penile sensitivity and prolongs sexual activity, which helps men maintain an erection longer and delays ejaculation.

The use of Priligy to treat premature ejaculation needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to take 30 mg to 60 mg of Priligy orally each time, only once a day, and you should confirm the safety and applicability of the drug with your doctor before taking it. Priligy usually needs to be taken about 1-3 hours before sexual activity.

It should be noted that Priligy may cause some side effects, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, etc. If serious side effects occur, you should seek immediate medical attention. Therefore, before using Priligy, you should consult your doctor's advice to determine whether it is suitable to use this drug. In addition, Priligy cannot be used with some drugs at the same time, and attention should be paid to avoid interaction with other drugs.

Intimacy and distraction skills

Some distraction techniques, such as thinking about unrelated things during sex, or doing relaxing exercises before sex, such as deep breathing or relaxation exercises, can help men prolong sex. In addition, some intimacy techniques, such as adjusting sexual positions or practicing stop and restart techniques, can also help men manage premature ejaculation.

In summary, premature ejaculation treatment varies from person to person, depending on the severity of symptoms and personal health. It is best to seek help and advice from a registered medical practitioner

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