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Why do men with three highs always have poor sexual function

Why high blood pressure can cause impotence

There are several reasons why high blood pressure can lead to impotence.

First of all, high blood pressure can lead to impaired function of vascular endothelial cells, which in turn affects the production and release of nitric oxide (NO) produced by vascular endothelial cells. NO is a signaling molecule that promotes vasodilation and can promote hyperemia and erection in the cavernous body of the penis . Erectile dysfunction can result if the production and release of NO is inhibited.

Secondly, high blood pressure can lead to the occurrence and aggravation of cardiovascular system diseases, such as coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, etc., and these diseases can also have a negative impact on erectile function.

In addition, high blood pressure may cause nerve dysfunction, which affects the normal function of the erectile center, resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Finally, high blood pressure may also be related to other lifestyle factors, such as diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc., which may also have an impact on erectile function.

Therefore, if a man has high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction, he should actively control his high blood pressure, and maintain a healthy blood pressure level through drug therapy and lifestyle adjustments, which will help improve erectile function. At the same time, you should seek medical advice and treatment in time.

Why does hyperlipidemia cause impotence

High blood lipids may lead to erectile dysfunction for the following reasons:

Affecting blood flow in penile arteries: Hyperlipidemia can lead to impaired function of endothelial cells in penile arteries, which in turn affects blood flow in penile arteries, making it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection. In addition, hyperlipidemia will also accelerate the process of atherosclerosis, which will gradually narrow the arteries of the penis and further affect erection.

Damage to the nervous system: Hyperlipidemia may also lead to nervous system dysfunction, thereby affecting the neural regulation of erection.

Affecting Hormone Levels: High blood lipids may also lead to a drop in testosterone levels, which in turn affects erectile function.

Affecting mental factors: Hyperlipidemia may lead to increased psychological stress, mental problems such as anxiety and depression, and then affect erectile function.

Therefore, if a man has problems with erectile dysfunction and hyperlipidemia, he needs to actively control hyperlipidemia, such as changing his eating habits, strengthening exercise and other lifestyles, and he also needs to seek medical advice and treatment from a professional doctor in order to diagnose and treat hyperlipidemia in time and erectile dysfunction problems.

Why does high blood sugar make men not hard

High blood sugar may cause erectile dysfunction for the following reasons:

Affect nerve function: High blood sugar will affect the normal function of nerve cells, thereby affecting the normal regulation of nerves during erection, making it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection.

Damage to blood vessels: High blood sugar can damage vascular endothelial cells, which in turn leads to a decrease in the ability of blood vessels to dilate and blood flow, thereby affecting erections.

Affecting Hormone Levels: High blood sugar may cause a drop in sex hormone levels, which can affect erectile function.

Affecting mental factors: High blood sugar may cause emotional problems such as anxiety and depression, which in turn affects erectile function.

In short, high blood sugar has adverse effects on erectile function. If a man has erectile dysfunction and high blood sugar problems, he needs to actively control blood sugar, including diet control, moderate exercise, and drug treatment. Treatment for timely diagnosis and treatment of problems with high blood sugar and erectile dysfunction.

What to do, how to prevent and treat low sexual function in men

The three highs in men (high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar) may lead to low sexual function, so the prevention and treatment methods should comprehensively consider the following aspects:

Change your lifestyle: properly control your diet, reduce the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, and increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits; exercise moderately, strengthen your physique, and promote blood circulation and metabolism; quit smoking and limit alcohol to reduce the burden on the body surface impact.

Drug treatment: If necessary, you can use drugs for treatment according to the doctor's advice,www.poxet.net such as antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, etc., but you need to pay attention to the side effects of drugs and rational use of drugs.

Psychological intervention: low sexual function may also be related to mental factors, such as anxiety, depression, etc. Therefore, psychological intervention can be carried out through psychological counseling and psychotherapy.

See a doctor for regular checkups: Male patients with three highs should go to the hospital for regular checkups in order to detect and deal with potential health problems early.

In short, the three highs of men have adverse effects on sexual function. Prevention and treatment need to consider a variety of factors, including lifestyle, drug treatment, psychological intervention, etc., and regular medical examinations are also required for early detection and treatment of potential health problems.


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